
Many thanks to all those who have contributed news, articles, results, photos etc. to the website. This website thrives on material sent by you, so please keep it coming!

Site development and maintenance:

  • May 2007 – : Rob Stephens of NFR
  • Jan 2001 – May 2007: Paul Jameson of NFR

 slideshow of screenshots of the website from May 2007 to June 2013

screenshot of Rob’s NFR website May 2008

screenshot of Paul’s NFR website in May 2007

Paul Jameson has promoted the activities of Northumberland  Fell Runners for over six years (2001-2007) through his friendly and easy-to-read website. In the days before I joined NFR, I personally found the site immensely useful and it played no small part in my decision to join NFR. The club is indebted to you, Paul, for your time and all your hard work. I hope I can continue to promote the club via this website as well as you have done – Rob

Comments or suggestions?:

If you have any comments or suggestions about this site, or find any errors  (no matter how small), please email the webmaster


The copyright of all contributed material on this site (reports, race results,  photos, graphics, maps etc.) remains with its respective owners (i.e. authors,  photographers, etc.).

If you wish to reproduce any material from this site (e.g. on a website, blog,  or in any form of paper publication), you must seek permission either from  the owner of the material or, where no owner is indicated, from the webmaster.  Or at the very least, please have the courtesy to credit the photographer,  author or owner etc.

However, you are welcome to use any material from this site for your own personal  use, e.g. saved to your own computer for viewing or printing.