> Lakes training runs 8th / 9th March - Dave Atkinson

8th / 9th March 2008

Lakes training runs went well. Saturday was wet wild and windy we stuck to a low level passes route from Seathwaite over to Wasdale, Black Sail and Windy Gap. Not the best of days we had a good group out with new member Joe Faulkner leading us astray and having a cuppa in the Wasdale Inn [it really was bad weather honest!], Jane Grundy, Paul Appleby, Graham, Phil Addyman and myself.

Sunday great day did a good route up Great Gable, Green Gable, Brandreth, Grey Knotts, Dalehead. Hindscarth, Robinson and back around Maiden Moor and High Spy. Small group of Gary Jones, Louise Wilkinson, Chris Little and myself rounded the day off at Peddlers cafe for cake and tea.

Dave Atkinson

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