> Thrunton Woods Run, Jan 2010

Sunday 24th January

Nine hardy runners all braved the sleet and snow showers to run a 9 mile circuit of Thrunton woods.
The track through the woods was still quite deep with snow, making running hard work (good training). Once out onto the moor the snow thinned a bit and allowed us to pick up the pace a little.
A pause at Long Crag should have let us enjoy views over to Cheviot, but snow showers stopped that!
Some fun if dangerous descending down to the valley then a long drag up to High Nab cairn and some views over Callaly Castle.
The Red Kites were not flying today and obviously roosted up. Indeed not much wildlife was in evidence other than some deer tracks in the woods.
From High Nab we headed across on the orange route to the kissing gate and from here we picked up the track heading south towards the Coe Burn.
This winds its way round Black Walter and Coe Hill before it descends through nice coniferous woodland.
In dry weather this is a fast bit of running, today it was still covered in several inches of snow and was having more added to it.
After a short rest beside the Coe burn, we crossed the footbridge and climbed back up to the ridge. We regrouped at the Coe Crags cairn before trotting back via the beehives and the track to the cars.
Chris had brought his headcam [here's the YouTube link]
A mighty morning out in the hills...

The runners were:
George Nicholson, Dave Wiseman, Terry Hart, David Coxon, Kath Davis, Chris Little, Paul Hainsworth, John Tollit and Myself.

Phil Green

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