> Revised Route For Causey Pike Fell Race

Revised Route For Causey Pike Fell Race

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"Outerside via Stile End" 4.5Miles & 1,507ft
Saturday 30th at 2.00pm at Stair
Entry Fee £5.00 & plenty of refreshments & plenty of prize`s from EDZ!!
Car Parking £3.00

Due to continued icy cold weather and snow Dan and I believe that the race in its original format is now too dangerous. After consulting with Keswick Athletics saftey officer and the FRA we will be organising the race over a different route.
We have come up with an exciting new route just for this year!!!, which is as follows:

1) Start and finish as usual in Stair
2) Cross the road & follow the original race route in reverse
3) Cross the stream and head up Stonycroft track
4) Almost halfway up a marshall will point runners up a steep path to Barrow Door
5) From Barrow Door follow path up to Stilend
6) Checkpoint 1- Stilend
7) Descend Stile End and head in direction of Outerside and follow path to the summit
8) Checkpoint 2- Outerside- Please note that the 1st to the summit (Man & Lady) prize will now be Outerside
9) Take 1st path on the left after summit down to the main stonycroft track
10) Follow track all the way down as in original Causey race route

Maps will be provided on the day for runners, but we would encourage everyone to bring their own.
Kit requirements are as follows :
Full body wind proof cover
Map, whistle & compass
Hat & gloves
We hope you come along and have a great afternoon. Plenty of prizes up for grabs including male and female teams.
Registration from 12.00pm at Stair Village Hall
We hope you understand the need to change and weather permitting the Causey race will be back next year!

John Nicoll & Dan Barton

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