Trahenna - photo: J. Telfer
Old Cheviot was feeling the strain. 18 miles and 4,900 feet of climbing at the Two Breweries Hill Race had taken their toll. He sat in the village hall trying to summon the energy to stand in the queue for his soup and pizza. Seeing his plight, Jane Grundy (resting between ultras) rallied to the cause and gallantly queued for him. However OC did spot that there was no queue at an equally important spot: the Broughton Ale’s hand-pump. He shuffled over and collected a pint of Border Reiver Ale.
photo: J. Bennett
Taking a well-deserved draught, he reflected on the start at Traquair.
The large field of 150 runners had been swelled by a fantastic turn-out
of circa 20 folks from NFR. Runners enjoyed the autumnal sunshine
as they waited for the 12 noon start. Soon they were on their way,
climbing to Birkscairn Hill past NFR’s official supporter John Telfer.
a second swig, OC recalled the steep descent to Glensax Burn through
thick heather that was reminiscent of the Kielder Borderer. The
climb up Hundleshope Heights was long and hot in the sun, but at
least this gave time to enjoy the superb far-reaching views. On
the top a cooling breeze made for good conditions, and soon runners
were contouring around Broom Hill bound for Stob Law. There a fast
heathery descent led to the valley floor, past John Telfer again,
and a drinks station by Manor Water.
"heathery descent to the valley floor" - photo: J. Telfer
As he took another sip of the Broughton nectar, he thought of the steep climb through the forest to Whitelaw Hill. More than one runner, Lee Bennett included, missed the turning into the fire break, and thus had an extra kilometre to run back to the checkpoint. The descent to The Tweed was down a stony path and soon OC was at the drinks station at Stobo.
By now OC’s pint was rapidly emptying. As a result he was no longer slogging up the interminable forest track or desperately scrambling up Trahenna on all fours. Rather he was flying along the ridge, bound for Broughton, sent on his way by cheers of support from that man again – John Telfer. He crossed the finish line at Broughton Ales, collected his bottle of beer, and sat down to give his aged bones a well-earned rest.
First home from the NFR party in 13th place was Andrew Higgins (soon to be a member). Our first official finisher was Lewis Grundy, closely followed by Will Horsley. Dave Wiseman had a solid run, as did Peter Reed representing the V55’s and Ray Gray (V60). Karen Robertson was first home for NFR ladies followed by Sue Mitchell and Louise Wilkinson. Jamie Wilkinson and Duncan Scott ran round together, training for the Kielder Marathon.
Lewis strides out - photo: J. Telfer
This was an excellent race, thoroughly enjoyed by all the runners, and many thanks are due to the organiser Peter Baxter and his team.
Old Cheviot
results and photos on Scottish Hill Runners' website
more photos from John Telfer set 1 | set 2
more photos from Jill Bennett here