photo: Andy Russell
Cracking weather, lovely short drive from the in-laws in Redcar, and the prospect of good fell running. All the things you want for a Sunday morning..
Just down hill from the Armscliffe Inn, 122 lined up for the second running of this nice race. With an initial descent then a fast flat road section leading to a 25% incline on tarmac through the village, guts were indeed busting in the first mile.
The route leads out onto the moor, but the first twenty were like the red arrows going off in every direction, each searching for the best way through the heather. The pull over the moor to the Rigg was on good land rover track, enhanced by the recent dry weather, it made for fast running.
The long grassy descent from the trig point is one the best features of the race, then the traverse of the boggy valley bottom. The climb up the other side of the valley is run able mostly, a long moorland traverse leading on to a short road section. The road turns left into a bridleway before a heavily rutted track. This runs right down to the beck at the back of the pub before 50ft of steep ascent to the finish.
Dave Johnson makes a dash for the finish - photo: Phil Green
Charlie Stead, had panda eyes after a week of poorly kids,( oh I remember the sleepless nights well) but still managed a cracking fourth place. Lawrence Johnson hoovered up max V50 points with a very good 16th place and Emma Bain was 3rd lady overall.
All in all quite a few race pb’s were put to the sword.
NFR men and women were both 3rd placed.
Canny result..
Next race in the series is the Blakey Blitz on the 25th of March (day after Prudhoe XC)
Its an AM and 10.5 miles. Great Fun.
Phil Green
more photos from Phil Green | Andy Russell
Results and report on Esk Valley website