As it proved Cheviot was still in no mood to be disturbed from her winter slumber. Only 5 minutes (!) from the start the decision to stop one mile short of the summit was requested by the Mountain Rescue marshals.
Previous heavy snow falls & 50 to 60mph winds on the day meant that a difficult decision had to be made.
The dilemma was ensuring participants safety balanced with providing an enjoyable yet challenging fell race.
However, when info received from the marshals on Cheviot Knee reporting the worsening conditions I had to ensure runners safety was the key factor. A compromise was agreed and yet another revised plan was put in place (!), the runners would turn at Cheviot Knee, 1 mile short of the summit.
Jack had recced the route the previous day so he took care of registration and the start. And for additional safety I ran as back marshal on the day.
Conditions were very wet & the emerging peat bogs reminded me of my very first experiences of the Cheviots 30(!) years ago (no stone slabs then!).
As I approached Scald Hill the front runners were already on the return!. Andy Blackett DFR had a clear lead with Bruce Crombie Alnwick Harriers in hot pursuit. Bruce was covering the ground well considering his previous days 4th place (!) at the Cragside 10k. This dual provided the most exciting finish in the summit's history. approaching The final 200m both runners sprinted for the finish neck & neck. only 1 second separated the two with Andy just ducking for the line!! An epic finish. Adam Fletcher made excellent progress moving up from 6th place at Scald Hill to finishing 3rd overall.
Sue Mitchell was 1st lady with Susan Davis 2nd and debutant Laura Garnham, Elvet Striders finishing in an excellent 3rd lady position.
Many thanks go to Susan, Michelle & Tracy for giving up their time & ensuring a smooth registration
All proceeds will be split & go Jack's chosen charities, the Northumberland Mountain Rescue & the Fire Fighters charity. Further events to come!
Many thanks to all that support today's event!!
Glen McWilliams