4th June 2011, 14 miles / 2900'
Pos. | Name | Club | Cat. | Time | comments |
1 | Matt Whitfield | Bingley | SM | 01:34:28 | 1st SM |
2 | Gareth Huxley | NFR | MV40 | 01:43:04 | 1st MV40 |
3 | Lee Bennett | NFR | MV40 | 01:43:48 | 2nd MV40 |
4 | Ben Rowley | NFR | SM | 01:45:09 | . |
5 | Adam Fletcher | Berwick | MV40 | 01:47:43 | 3rd MV40 |
6 | James Taylor | NFR | SM | 01:48:15 | . |
7 | Ian Hayden | Aurora | SM | 01:54:03 | . |
8 | Clive Short | Tynedale | MV45 | 02:00:23 | 1st MV45 |
9 | Andrew King | UA | SM | 02:01:01 | . |
10 | Phil Green | NFR | MV 40 | 02:04:09 | . |
11 | Bernard Kivlehan | NFR | MV 50 | 02:07:40 | 1st MV50 |
12 | Darren Rafferty | UA | SM | 02:09:48 | . |
13 | Rob Shepherd | Tynedale | SM | 02:11:56 | . |
14 | Sue Mitchell | NFR | LV40 | 02:14:45 | 1st L/LV40 |
15 | Glen McWilliams | NFR | MV45 | 02:18:14 | 2nd MV45 |
16 | Jack McWilliams | NFR | SM | 02:18:15 | . |
17 | Peter Reed | NFR | MV60 | 02:18:56 | 1st MV60 |
18 | William Laurence | UA | MV50 | 02:24:36 | . |
19 | David Woods | UA | SM | 02:25:55 | . |
20 | Keith Laverick | York Acorn | MV40 | 02:27:30 | . |
21 | Chris Winter | NFR | SM | 02:27:31 | . |
22 | Terrence Mullen | UA | MV50 | 02:32:10 | 2nd MV50 |
23 | Andrew Russell | NFR | MV40 | 02:32:14 | . |
24 | George Adamson | NSP | MV60 | 02:23:22 | 2nd MV60 |
25 | Mark Thompson | Saltwell | MV45 | 02:39:26 | . |
The Alwinton Fell Races are now reduced in number to become the Alwinton Fell Race. In keeping with the trend the numbers were down again on previous years. This wasn’t totally unexpected with the Kirk Yetholm Fell Race, taking place on the next day, being a Scottish and NFR championship race. On the plus side times were much faster than last year and once again there were a pleasing number of entries from senior men. Disappointingly there was only one lady.
After the previous day with blue skies and the temperature at Alwinton reaching 27C it was overcast and there was a cold wind throughout the day. Matt Whitfield led for most of the race and at the second check point he was six minutes ahead of the field. He eventually finished in a time of 1:34:28 eight and a half minutes ahead of Gareth Huxley (NFR) 1:43:03 who was also 1st MV40. Lee Bennett (NFR) 3rd place 2nd MV40 and Ben Rowley (NFR) 4th confirmed Northumberland Fell Runners as the first team. (I forgot to give the team prize at the prize giving but it can be collected at Windy Gyle on 26th June – sorry!) The 1st MV50 was Bernard Kivlehan (NFR) finishing in eleventh place in a time of 2:07:40. Peter Reed (NFR) new to the category, was 1st MV60 in 2:18:56. James Taylor, a recently joined member of NFR, was the first local in a creditable sixth place in 1:48:14. (I also forgot to mention that at the prize giving).
Sue Mitchell (NFR) took the dogs for a long walk and once again finished fourteenth overall as first senior lady and 1st LV40 in 2:14:45.
Many thanks to all who once again supported the race (more than took part); North of Tyne SRT, Gareth and Jane Latcham at the Rose and Thistle, Team Green-Phil, Sharon and Mathew, Sue Mitchell, Pat Cooper (registration and time keeping), Ken Rawlinson (course marking and clearance) and finally Simon on the gate.
Keith Cooper
Race Organiser